Michael Eriksson
A Swede in Germany
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Feminism: Category Contents

This category on Feminism contains two groups of articles:

  1. A great number of articles originally written in one single document, as discussed on the Introduction page, followed by some few independent texts from roughly the same time period.

    This document was much too unwieldy, having grown far beyond what I had intended, and I decided to split it into smaller documents based on chapter headings. (A side-effect of this is that some of them violate one of my own recommendations on webpages: Not to be trivially short.)

    Should you wish to read the articles in the original order, you can just follow the order in the navigation, or use browser functionality taking advantage of “next” and “prev” links.

    This is unnecessary, however, because the pages are more or less independent, with only very minor order dependencies (including, possibly, some “above” or “below” references based on the original document, which will be corrected over time). The one exception: I strongly recommend reading What I mean by “feminist” at an early stage, to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

    If you have come to this page following a reference from another of my articles: Normally, I prefer to link only to article pages; but with the break-up of the original article, it was not always possible to find one single article that was suitable as the new destination.

  2. Independent texts written ten or more years later, after a return from a long absence from this website, be it cut off from private Internet or stuck with Wordpress.

    (In addition, I have a great number of texts on Feminism written during my Wordpress days that are yet to be imported. These might or might not end up here after import.)

These can currently be told apart by URL/file name, in that one of the old texts has an automatically created file name like “02Feminism.html”, while the newer have a manually chosen name like “60IfMenHadX.html”, and that the newer texts all have prefix of “60” or higher, while the old have lower numbers. These numbers also imply that the older texts are listed first.


However, note that the choice of names is an implementation detail that might change over time. The prefixes, e.g., are a primitive and low-effort way to achieve a reasonable sorting.

There is also a possibility that I will split this category at a later time, depending on how many new texts are added. For the time being, there is not much new that I have to say on Feminism and/or that does not apply to a wider category of groups and ideologies in the extended PC/woke/far-Left family. It might even be argued that Feminism is, highly unusually, not the worst individual problem in this family at the time being.